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Gain Access to an Endless Supply of Wisdom

Explore my site, and see how I can help you improve your life today.

Welcome to Higher Wisdom Astrology! I believe that everyone has the potential to improve their life, to find their soul purpose, to feel at home in their own body,  and to fully understand and connect with their innate power and wisdom.  Astrology is a powerful guide down this path - revealing both conscious and unconscious facets of the self, karma and life purpose.   Your Soul came to this lifetime with a list of desires - A kind of Divine TODO list.  Your unique Astrological Blueprint contains every life lesson you are to learn, every joy you are to experience, every relationship you are to have and grow from in this Lifetime.  It is all mapped out for you and easily accessible. 


 My ability to tap into the energy of my clients, including important aspects from past, present and future events enables me to provide them with useful information in order to make powerful life changes.  Also, as a certified Transformation Life Coach I am able to guide my clients to understanding and connecting to their full potential & deepest desires, identify any blocks and set impactful goals.


Free DIY Astrology Chart Video

Learn how to generate and begin to understand your own birth chart:

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I have been on this spiritual journey for several years now.  And it has led me to the amazing world of Astrology. I believe that the universe has a way of guiding us forward through our lives to people and experiences in order to grow our Souls.  In fact, it has guided you here.  I have been blessed with a passion and a gift of being able to connect with my client's own universal energy and combine this with the Wisdom of Astrology. My focus is to bring forth healing through awareness and love, and to teach you how to open up your own spiritual potential.


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